Enabling the ticket system

Enable the ticket system

To enable the ticket system, you will first of all need to set a channel category where all the tickets should be put in by default. You can do this if you haven't done this already, by using the /admin command with the Enable or disable a special channel. After executing the command, you will see a select menu with the possible channels you can enable or disable. One of these options is called 'Ticket category'. Once you click this, the bot will ask for the category it's name or id. After filling this in you need to confirm the category and then this part is set up.

After setting the category, you can use the /ticket command. The bot will send a message in the channel where the command was executed where others can create a ticket by pressing a button. Their ticket will be put in the category you've added.

Adding categories

You can add a category to the ticket system by executing the /admin command with the Change the tickets settings option. After executing the command, you will see a select menu where you can select some settings which you can change about the ticket system. One of these options is called Add or remove a ticket category. This is the one you would need to select to add a new ticket category. After selecting this option, you will see a new select menu which will ask whether you'd like to add or remove a category. Here you need to select the Add option. After selecting the option, you will be asked the name of the category. After submitting the name, you will be asked which color the category should be (This would be the color for the button if you have set buttons as the ticket category type). You can choose between a few options in a select menu. After selecting the color you'd like, you will be asked in which channel category the tickets should be put in once the user has selected the category you are adding. You will need to submit the name or id of the channel category in the form. After submitting the form, you will be asked to confirm the category with the settings you've chosen. Once you've confirmed this, users will see the category when they open their ticket.

Changing the category type

Users can select a category with buttons or with a select menu. The default category type which are being used, are buttons. You can change this by executing the /admin command with the Change the tickets settings option. After executing the command, you will see a select menu where you can select some settings which you can change about the ticket system. One of these options is called Change the ticket category type. This optioin you would need to select. After selecting the option, you can choose between the buttons and the select menu. Select here the category type you'd like to set.

Changing the maximum amount of open tickets

You probably don't want users being able to open ten tickets. To prevent this, you can set a maximum amount of open tickets. You can do this by executing the /admin command with the Change the tickets settings option. After executing the command, you will see a select menu where you can select some settings which you can change about the ticket system. One of these options is called Change the amount of open tickets. This option you would need to select. After selecting the option, you will see a form where you will be asked how many tickets a user may have opened at the same time. Fill the number in here and submit the form. After submitting the form, the maximum amount of tickets have changed.

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