Alternative installation

The installation of NodeJS with the required dependencies sometimes doesn't go flawlessly. Luckily there is an alternative installation which always works, but takes a bit longer to install.

First you'd need to install Python from the official Python site. The minimum version required is version 3.6.0. The latest version is of course always recommended. Make sure to check both checkboxes on the installation screen.

Once Python has been installed, we can continue to install the Windows Build Tools. These tools are important for node-gyp to work, which will allow you to use certain important dependencies for your bot, such as the voice module. The Windows Build Tools can be installed with the installation of Visual Studio. To install Visual Studio, you would need to download Visual Studio on the official Visual Studio site. Make sure to download the Community download.

Make sure that your Windows machine has the required system specifications! For the 2022 download, your Windows machine needs:

  • At least 4GB of RAM

  • At least 15GB of available storage

  • A x64 processor

  • A video card with a minimum resolution of WXGA

Now run the installer of Visual Studio and select the 'Desktop development with C++' option. In the installation details, which will show on the right side of the installer, you would need to select some optional modules. In the screenshot below you can find the modules which is recommended to install. Make sure that the modules you install match with your operating system's specifications (eg. install the Windows 11 SDK if your operating system is Windows 11 and the Windows 10 SDK if your operating system is Windows 10). When you've selected all the modules you want/need to install, you can press the 'Install' button. The installation can take quite a while.

Once everything has been installed with the Visual Studio installer, you can continue with the regular installation.

Last updated