Enabling ticket transcripts

Enabling the ticket transcripts

To enable the ticket transcripts, you need to have added a logs channel, where the ticket transcripts will be sent in. You can set this if you haven't done this already, by executing the /admin command with the Enable or disable a special channel option. After executing the command, you will see a select menu with some options. One of these options is 'Logs channel', which you should select. After selecting the option, you will be asked what the channel's name or id is. After filling this in, you will be asked to confirm the channel. After confirming, the logs channel is set. The ticket transcripts will now be sent in the logs channel after being closed.

Sending ticket transcripts to someone's DM

Zyno Bot offers the possibility to send the transcript of tickets to the user who opened the ticket. This can be enabled by executing the /admin command with the Change the tickets settings option. After executing the command, you will see a select menu where you can select some settings which you can change about the ticket system. One of these options is called DM users their ticket transcript. This is the option you would need to select. After selecting the option, the ticket transcripts will or will not be sent to the user who opened the ticket depending on whether it was enabled or not. By default users will receive a DM with the ticket transcript.

Last updated